- JCAR OPS 1. Commercial Air Transport - Airplane.
- Section 1. Requirements.
- Section 2. Advisory Circulars (ACs) / Acceptable Means
of Compliance (AMC) / Interpretative Explanatory Material (IEM).
- JCAR OPS 3. Commercial Air Transport - Helicopter.
- Section 1. Requirements.
- Section 2. Advisory Circulars (ACs) / Acceptable Means
of Compliance (AMC) / Interpretative Explanatory Material (IEM).
- JCAR MMEL/MEL. Master Minimum Equipment List/ Minimum Equipment List.
- JCAR FCL 1. Flight Crew Licensing - Airplane.
- Section 1. Requirements
- Section 2. Acceptance Means of Compliance (AMC)/ Interpretative Explanatory Material (IEM).
- JCAR FCL 2. Flight Crew Licensing - Helicopter.
- Section 1. Requirements.
- Section 2. Acceptance Means of Compliance (AMC)/Interpretative Explanatory Material (IEM).
- JCAR FCL 3. Flight Crew Licensing - Medical.
- JCAR FCL 4. Flight Crew Licensing - Flight Engineer.
- Section 1. Requirements
- Section 2. Acceptance Means of Compliance (AMC)/Interpretative Explanatory Material (IEM).
- FSTD A. Flight Synthetic Training Devices (FSTDs) .
- FSTD H. Flight Synthetic Training Devices (FSTDs) - Helicopter .
- Section 1. Requirements
- Section 2. Advisory Circulars (ACs).
- Part - ARO (1&2) Aviation Recreation Organization
- Part 11 - General Rule Making
- Flight examinars manual PEL.